'How to Train Your Caterpillar'! are so welcome here, thank you for taking the time to check out the reading! If you feel called to like and subscribe, I would appreciate it very much.
Many blessings, love and light! 🤗💖✨
💖🦋💖I'm no longer doing personal readings xxx
🦋✨IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL (🙏) please check out my new Patreon page here Twitter & Instagram 👇 (I'm not on FB and oracles decks I use ~
~Rider Waite Tarot Witches' Tarot
~The Psychic Tarot for the Heart
~True Love Reading Cards
~Angel Answers Oracle
~Hamsa hand Power Tarot Cards
~Angel Tarot Cards
~Believe in your own Magic Oracle (Amanda Lovelace)
~Mystic Martian Oracle
~Archangel Animal Oracle (Diana Cooper)
~Enchanted Beauty Oracle (Etsy seller, The Lioness, The Witch and the Tarot)
~Angels of Light Cards (Diana Cooper)
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Disclaimer: this tarot reading if for entertainment purposes only. Madame Butterfly accepts no responsibility or liability for actions undertaken by viewers and clients after watching this reading.